Consumer tech group maps plan to set standards for healthcare AI

The Consumer Technology Association is building its own initiative to create standards around the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

The Consumer Technology Association is building its own initiative to create standards around the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

The Arlington, Va.-based group bolstered its rollout by announcing that more than 30 vendors and provider associations are joining the initiative.

On center stage for the initiative are efforts to drive standards and recommending best practices. It’s forming a working group to begin work on topics such as trustworthiness, ethics and bias.

The CTA says it plans to drive industry consensus and standardization on definitions and characteristics of AI; the effort will serve as a platform for stakeholders across the technology and healthcare industry to create common terminology and best practices for management and oversight of data.

"AI will boost our wellness and healthcare by improving outcomes, expanding treatment options and providing cost-cutting efficiencies," says Gary Shapiro, CTA’s CEO and president. "We must seize the opportunity to realize the potential of AI ethically, strategically and with clear goals."

"This unique working group represents a diverse set of stakeholders across the ecosystem, including clinicians, manufacturers, regulators, public policy and civil rights organizations,” says Rene Quashie, the CTA’s vice president of policy and regulatory affairs for digital health. “The work produced will provide an informed framework for the use of AI in the context of healthcare."

The initiative, which addresses AI in consumer health, fitness and wellness technology, will be co-chaired by Pat Baird, regulatory head of global software standards at Philips, and Jerry Wilmink, chief business officer at CarePredict.

Vendors participating in the group include AdvaMed, AT&T, BlackBerry, Doctors on Demand, Fitbit, Google, Humetrix, IBM, IDx Technologies, Livongo, NeuroMetrix, NeuroSky, Philips, Reemo Health, Samsung Electronics, Validic, Verizon and Volar Health, among others.

Also participating is the American Telemedicine Association, Brookings Institution, the Connected Health Initiative and the Federation of State Medical Boards.

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