November 2023 COVERstory
HDM sits down with healthcare CEOs from across the continuum to better understand the top challenges they see from their perch and what strategies they and their teams are applying to turn these challenges into opportunities.

From the Editor:
Leadership makes a difference. It mixes vision, strategy, bravery and seeing the importance of looking at circumstances and cobbling together a solution given the circumstances at hand.
Two unrelated examples stand out to me (which also demonstrate I’ve spent too much time watching movies). One is the brave stand by then lieutenant colonel Joshua Chamberlain who led the 20th Maine Infantry in defense of critical land between Big and Little Round Top, holding the far left flank of the Union line at Gettysburg critical to defense of the Union line. After fending off six charges by the Confederate Army, Chamberlain led defense of the seventh charge by having soldiers fix bayonets and charge the Confederate attackers, holding the flank and saving the day for the Union defenders and, most likely, the direction of the war.
The other is the iconic scene from Apollo 13, where a team of engineers on the ground were tasked with pulling together a carbon dioxide filter using material that the three astronauts could find in the capsule and lunar module. Their ingenuity was one key in ensuring that the astronauts could make it back to earth.
Healthcare CEOs are facing huge challenges that require fortitude in setting new directions for their organizations. To uncover their thinking and creativity, Health Data Management set out to interview forward-thinking leaders of healthcare organizations and highly rated technology providers. They candidly share their concerns about the future and how they are planning to intelligently cobble solutions that are tailored to meet tomorrow’s challenges.
- Fred Bazzoli, Editor in Chief
Key Takeaways
As you dive into this COVERstory, we hope you find it becomes a reference in helping you:
- 1. Identify factors influencing staff turnover and burnout and determine how technology can ameliorate negative trends.
- 2. Understand new trends in healthcare that are shifting approaches to care and requiring adoption of new and improved strategies.
- 3. See how leading executives are assessing changes in healthcare and benefit from their unique solutions to these challenges.
- 4. Learn from examples of new and innovative collaborations that anticipate the new realities of healthcare delivery and how to make appropriate adaptations to traditional models – and when those approaches should be abandoned for new visions.
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