Patient experience is the focus of latest HDM KLASroom
The series looks at what organizations need to do to become more responsive to increasingly savvy consumers who want to be more involved in their care.

Ever since Don Berwick and his colleagues introduced the “Triple Aim” as a crucial deliverable in healthcare, enhancing the patient experience has remained a key and elusive target.
The Triple Aim has since expanded to include the goal of improving the work-life of healthcare workers. But as the nation’s providers wrestle with the slow transition to value-based care, there’s growing understanding that patients need to be engaged with the care delivery process.
Consumer involvement is important in improving the health of populations. And consumers now have higher expectations for their healthcare experience based on their relationships with other industries.
Now, healthcare organizations are challenged to delight consumers in a competitive environment. That’s the focus of the upcoming HDM KLASroom series, scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. ET on Sept. 20, 22, 27 and 29. Registration is free and can be found here.
The series, jointly sponsored by Health Data Management and KLAS Resources, will include two educational sessions each day and focus on insights from pioneering organizations that have demonstrated positive results in engaging consumers as patients.
Push for consumerism
According to a recent report by the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, health systems consider digital capabilities as key to fundamentally transforming their relationships with consumers. The research, conducted with Scottsdale Institute members, found that 92 percent of healthcare organizations surveyed want to fundamentally transform their relationships with consumers, which is their top expectation of digital transformation. However, most healthcare organizations are in the early stages of their journey toward achieving digital transformation.
The HDM KLASroom series will look at some consumer trends in other industries and how new initiatives are bringing about change in healthcare. Sessions will include:
- Consumer-centric principles driving change in healthcare (Sept. 20). The session, featuring KLAS Research and Baptist Health Jacksonville, will describe the provider organization’s efforts to embrace consumerism and technology’s role in assisting with that shift.
- Measuring progress toward patient experience maturity (Sept. 20). Featuring HealthNet, a federally qualified health plan in Indiana, and Feetrail, the session will examine using data to improve customer experiences.
- Envisioning future payment scenarios (Sept. 22). KLAS and LifeBridge Health will discuss implications that financial questions and payment for services have on consumer perceptions and experiences.
- Patient empowerment in financial discussions (Sept. 22). This discussion involving ClearBalance and Mayo Clinic will look at consumer experience at the crossroads of health, care delivery and finances.
- Patient experience and the art of communication (Sept. 27). KLAS Research and Indiana University Health will dissect the role of communication as the core of patient experience. KLAS offers data on the current state of patient communication landscape, while Indiana University is as a leader in patient experience.
- Proving ROI from patient engagement (Sept. 27). Leading the discussion will be Health Catalyst and Providence Health, which will define how a return on investment can be generated by building a business case for communication.
- Patient experience and the role of communication (Sept. 29). KLAS and Indiana University Health will discuss key success principles that guide patient experience efforts.
- Technology’s role in shaping future patient communication (Sept. 29). Health Data Management and Tiger Connect will lead a discussion on the opportunities and challenges posed by new technologies and how they could impact future care delivery.
Follow these links for more information on the series, or to register.